C.A.S. Hawker Scholars
Mr Danny Cregan
Hawker Scholar: 2002 – 2005
Degree: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws
Institution: University of Adelaide and in residence at St Mark's College
Career Goal: To enter politics or the Diplomatic Service
![cregan Danny Cregan](https://www.hawkerscholarship.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/cregan.jpg)
Dan Cregan has achieved much to date. A pivotal time in his life was a trip to Canberra where he visited the National Portrait Gallery. After walking in the gallery lined with people who had worked for Australia, he researched many of their lives.
Deeply inspired by the achievements of Nugget Coombs, Robert Menzies and John Curtin, he is determined to follow the example demonstrated by these men. This experience, and now having learnt of Charles Hawker, Dan is committed to fulfilling his goal to enter politics or the diplomatic service.
He is a published award-winning author and he appreciates quality educational opportunities and makes the most of them to achieve excellent outcomes.
His major achievements are impressive.
- Awarded the prestigious Tim Winton Award for Young Writers
- Awarded the first 500 Club Medal. This medal is awarded to students who complete 500 km in cross -country events in one calendar year.
- Invited to become a special junior member of the Royal Australian Air Force Association as a result of his excellent cadet service and service to the community.
- Offered a writing contract from Penguin to publish his novella Papua in January this year.
- He's achieved a Duke of Edinburgh Scheme Bronze level and is working on his silver award.
- He has received numerous academic prizes in History, Politics, Legal Studies and poetry. As a House Prefect, he has captained his House debating team, played cricket, soccer and Walla rugby.
Danny is an exceptional student. He is now a resident of St Mark's College at the University of Adelaide where he is studying an Arts/Law degree.
Danny Cregan is an intelligent, talented and articulate young Australian and a deserved winner of a C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship.