C.A.S. Hawker Scholars
September 2016
Ms Alicia Hurkmans
Hawker Scholar: 2010-2012

Alicia was awarded a Hawker Scholarship in 2010 and was a resident at St Mark’s College from 2010-2012. During her college life she was a floor tutor responsible for the wellbeing of twenty students at the college, swimming captain, academic tutor and awarded college colours for swimming and academics.
In 2014 Alicia graduated from the University of Adelaide with a double degree in Chemical Engineering, with First Class honours, and Biotechnology. During this time she was heavily involved in the University Chemical Engineering Society and numerous science and engineering mentoring programs. She continues to be passionately engaged with these programs today.
Throughout her studies, Alicia completed a number of internships in Minerals Processing (BHP Billiton, Olympic Dam), Nanoparticle research (A*STAR, Singapore) and Oil & Gas (Shell, Perth) incorporating travel and work experience to develop international networks and determine her ideal career progression.
In 2015 Alicia commenced work with Santos as a Process Engineer and is currently completing the process safety Major Hazard Facility risk assessment for the Port Bonython asset, involving not only technical identification of the hazards and controls but continual communication and corroboration with the front-line staff on site.
Alicia was recently elected as the Hawker Alumni Association President and is looking forward to establishing a base for current and previous scholars to expand their networks and reminisce with old friends.