C.A.S. Hawker Scholars
Mr Christian Hamilton-Craig
Hawker Scholar: 1993 - 1997
Degree: Medicine & Honours in Pharmacology
Institutions: University of Adelaide & Cambridge University
Residences: St Mark's College & Trinity College

Christian Hamilton-Craig was awarded a Charles Allan Seymour Hawker Scholarship in 1993 and attended St Mark's College whilst studying Medicine at the University of Adelaide.
In 1996 Christian was the first Hawker Scholar to gain entrance to the University of Cambridge. He studied his Honours in Pharmacology at Trinity College Cambridge 1996-1997 and published his research findings in international medical journals and at the International Congress on Vascular Disease Prevention.
"The Hawker Scholarship enabled me to fulfil my dream of studying at Cambridge, as well as being involved in College life both here and in England. It is impossible to over-emphasise how much those experiences formed the foundation for future academic, career and personal growth continuing into the years to come..."
After training in Internal Medicine at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, he was Lecturer in Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology at the University of Adelaide and University of NSW. Cardiology residency/fellowship was at Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane. He was the inaugural Queensland International Fellowship Scholar in 2009, working at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome Italy, in multimodality imaging of coronary microvascular dysfunction. In 2009-10 he was the inaugural Washington-Queensland Transpacific Fellow at the University of Washington, Seattle USA, where he remains affiliate Assistant Professor of Radiology.
He returned to Queensland to complete his PhD in Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging, and is currently employed as a clinical academic at the Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, with academic appointments at the University of Queensland School of Medicine, and Centre for Advanced Imaging.
He is chair of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography for Australia-New Zealand; Vice-President of the Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (ANZ working group); and Foundation Chair of Cardiac Imaging Australasia, a not-for-profit dedicated international symposium for education in cardiac imaging ( www.cardiacimaging.org.au ).
In 2012 he was the recipient of the Smart Futures Fellowship Early Career Grant for cardiac imaging research. His interests include the application of imaging technology to clinical practice, advanced cardiac risk assessment, indigenous health, and playing & collecting vintage guitars.